Wij publiceren ook in professionele juridische tijdschriften:
1. professionele juridische tijdschriften:
Ježová, D.: Recent Development of the Preliminary Rulings before the Court of Justice of the European Union, The Milestones of Law in the Area of Europe 2012 read more str. 876
Ježová, D.: Personal data protection in virtual world, XIIth International Conference on Human rights: Communication as a Measure of Protection and Limitation of Human Rights. Information in Relation to Human Rights
Ježová, D.: Future of the preliminary ruling procedure, In: Milníky práva v stredoeurópskom priestore 2013
Ježová, D.: Interpretation and aplication of law in the context of preliminary ruling procedure, In.: Míľniky práva v stredoeurópskom priestore 2010, Zborník z konferencie Miľníky práva v stredoeurópskom priestore 2009, ISBN: 978-80-7160-308-5, II. časť, str. 901-910
Ježová, D.: The importance of the preliminary ruling for Slovak law and its impact on the decisions of slovak courts, In.: Fenomén judikatury v právu; Sborník z konference Olomoucké debaty mladých právníku 2009, str. 234 – 243; ISBN 978-80-87212-29-5
Ježová, D.: Urgent preliminary ruling, In: Miľníky práva v stredoeurópskom priestore 2009, Zborník z konferencie Miľníky práva v stredoeurópskom priestore 2009, ISBN 978-80-7160-295-8
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