We are Professionals
"Luck relies on chance, labor on character" Richard Cobden
Legal advisory managed by:
JUDr. Daniela Ježová, LL.M., PhD.
attorney at law in Slovakia registred in:
Slovak Bar Association
Czech Bar Association
PhD. - Commenius Univesity, Law Faculty - European and International Law
LL.M. - Vienna Univesity, Law Faculty - European and International Business Law
JUDr. - Trnava University, Law Faculty - Civil Law
Mgr. - Commenius University, Law faculty - general law
International family law, which includes international divorce, international abductions, divorce, parential rights and obligation to minor children, visitation rights with minor children, paternity, alimony, splitting assets after divorce (property of spouses), dealing assets during marriage.
European and international law in her practice and also in her professional publications. She regularly participates in national and international conferences, where she takes an active role with contributions and thus she keeps informed about new developments and legal trends. She regularly deals with cases with international and European elements. She has experience working in an international environment.
She has experience with real estate law, whether relating to the sale, purchase a house, apartment, land lease and representing developers with the full implementation of projects, apartments, office space, shopping centers. Buying and selling property is decision, which greatly affects the lives of everyone. It is very important that the contractual documentation protects buyers and sellers. Real estate agencies often provide very simple contracts without providing sufficient legal protection against the occurrence of future problems.
She has extensive experience in representing clients before courts in litigations and arbitrations. Court proceedings require long practice and advocate specific characteristics and experience. It is necessary to react fast, to know the relevant jurisprudence in other similar cases. She is counsellor at American International Commercial Arbitration Court.
She has experience in debt collection, contract law, international law and European law, employment law.
Daniela is registered as legal expert for the European Parliament and the European Commission a, as well as an expert in evaluators in the Danube region, multi-year cooperation with the World Bank, cooperation with the European Audiovisual Observatory, publishes in foreign magazines, cooperation with C.H.Becks at seminars.
She is a member of editorial board of legal magazine Projustice, registered reviewer of the international scientific conference Sapere Aude, CER, and Masaryk International Scientific Conference.
English, German, Slovak, Czech
Leave your problems with us
"Professional and at the same time a man with moral values in one. Through her ability and knowledge, she has really achieved everything I need to re-establish contact with my daughter, despite the exceptionally difficult case."